What is Personal Computer?

 What is Personal Computer?

Personal Computer

      PERSONAL COMPUTERS(PC) fall into two main types : IBM-compatible PCs, known simply as PCs, and Apple Macintosh PCs, known as "Macs". they differ in their way files and programs, and the users access to them,are organised, and programs must be tailored for each type. However, in most other respects PCs and Macs have much in common. 

Central Processing unit (CPU)


          Both contain microchips, or integrated circuits, that store and process data. The "brain" of any PC is a chip known as the central processing unit (CPU), which performs mathematical operations in order to run program instrutions and receive, store, and output data. The most powerful personal computer CPUs today can perform more than a billion calculations a second. Data can be input via CDs, USB memory sticks, and other storage media. Highly portable laptop and network PCs are also in widespread use. Most PCs are able to communicate with many other devices, including digital cameras and smartphones.

Uses of Personal Computers :

    Computers give us access to many sources of knowledge. They are helpful for word processing, Internet communications, digital/audio compositions and also desktop publishing. The computer is definitely a valued piece of technology that has worked its ways into many homes and businesses around the world. The information-processing capabilities of computers have added to their usage. Here are some examples :

1. Gaming

2. Office applications- creating power points presentation

3. Office applications-- creating and printing documents.

4.  PC's give full control of the file name,you can rename and manually assign an application to open the file.

5. PC's give you full control of where to save files on the local disk, to set variables such as   hidden, or assign passwords to folders, you can set up share drives, and control permissions to specific files.

6. Big screens and powerful processor s let you do design/cad work on them.

7. You can add multiple capabilities to a PC through interface cards(tv cards, graphics cards, audio processing cards, etc)

8. You can interface to legacy devices more easily with a PC. If your into programming old school robots. For instance.

9. You can have multiple monitors.

And that's all. I believe you will learn something about personal computers and the things.
